
Alexandrite Laser Epilation

Alexandrite Laser Epilation

In our country, Alexandrite laser epilation is one of the most popular laser epilation techniques. In our clinics, we also use alexandrite laser epilation. On the contrary, when diode lasers are required, we use them. We use the diode laser method as an alternative to the Alexandrite laser method when the Alexandrite laser method fails.

Alexandrite Laser Epilation Special Offer

All of our centers have the same prices for Alexandrite laser epilation and diode laser epilation. The cost of an Alexandrite laser varies depending on the application. It also includes the body's two symmetrical halves. In addition, all of our locations offer six-session packages of alexandrite laser hair removal. You can learn more about all of these things by contacting us.

Who Can Use the Alexandrite Laser?

Following a personal assessment, our doctors determine which laser to use to begin epilation. It is extremely beneficial for a center to have a variety of laser epilation options. Alexandrite lasers use laser light with a wavelength of 755 nm in theory. Melanin, a type of dye, is very good at retaining laser light.This light, which is well-kept by melanin, has the potential to cause a strong epilation effect on the hair root. As a result, the alexandrite laser is an effective hair removal laser.

Who Cannot Use the Alexandrite Laser?

In other cases, melanin retention is a drawback. Alexandrite is not recommended for people with dark skin tones. Because the melanin in dark skin also holds the alexandrite type laser. Excessive energy retention in the skin leads to exaggerated responses and negative skin effects. As a result, Alexandrite laser epilation can only be used on people who have an open skin structure.

Which Hairs Alexandrite Laser is Effective On?

People with dark skin should use the diode laser method, as we mentioned in our diode laser section. Fine hair is unaffected by the Alexandrite laser. In areas with fine hair, unfavorable outcomes are possible. Instead of triggering and reducing fine hair, it may cause an increase. Therefore, we do not recommend using the alexandrite laser technique on the face. Which laser should be used on which skin should be decided by expert teams. In our centers, we first analyze the situation and determine which laser method should be used.

Working Hours

mon - friday: 09:00 - 20:00
sat: 09:00 - 20:00
sun: Closed

Appointment Request Form

You can request an appointment by contacting us here.

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